What is a runtime

At a high level, in order to run through your async functions, you need a runtime to manage which tasks are ready, as well as getting the tasks processed in an efficient way.

The two most popular runtimes at the time of writing are tokio, smol, and async-std. All three achieve similar end results by utilising work-stealing and IO polling.

Anatomy of a runtime

A runtime is collection of worker threads that share some state between them. At it's core, the runtime will has a shared queue of ready tasks, and possible a shared queue of waiting tasks. The job of the worker is to progress a task forward, poll the OS to see if any other tasks that were waiting for IO are ready, and countdown any waiting timers.

For efficiency, most runtime workers will have their own local queue of tasks, and employ tactics like work distribution and work stealing in order to not starve any workers so they can maintain the maximum parallelism and throughput.

Put into some psuedo-rust-code, this worker process might look like

loop {
    // check if anything new is ready

    // get a task from the local queue
    let mut task = local_queue.pop_front();

    // if our local queue has no tasks, take some from the global queue
    if task.is_none() {
        local_queue.take_from(&mut global_queue);
        task = local_queue.pop_front();

    // if there still isn't a task available, check the other workers
    for worker in &mut workers {
        if task.is_some() { break }

        task = local_queue.pop_front();

    // if there was a task, run it.
    // otherwise, pause this thread.
    if let Some(task) = task {
    } else {

In reality, there's a bit more logic involved to maximise CPU efficiency, but that's the gist of it.


You might be working on platforms without access to the std library. This means you don't have access to the OS, or access to threads. In which case, you can simplify that event loop down significantly as you have no global queue or workers to steal from. You also don't need to worry about OS polling or pausing.

Similarly, you might be using a 'thread-per-core' architecture, which removes the potentially expensive work-stealing step, but can reduce throughput in some workloads. This also allows you to run tasks that are !Send (can't be sent between threads). This is the technique employed by actix-rt by utilising Tokio's LocalSet. Glommio is another such runtime with this feature

Choosing a runtime

Unfortunately, while there's a lot of options for runtimes, there's often not a lot of choice you as a user can make.

If you want to use the axum/reqwest libraries as shown in the previous example, you must use tokio. This is because internally these use tokio::spawn, tokio::net and tokio::time modules. All of these must be called in the context of a tokio runtime and will panic if the thread local runtime global is not set.

Some libraries are generic over runtimes. hyper, the HTTP engine that axum and reqwest are based on, is generic over executors using traits like Executor to abstract away the tokio::spawn, and Accept to abstract away the tokio::net::TcpListener.

Similarly, there exists executor-trait and reactor-trait which are used by lapin in order to allow the async runtime to be configured in trait-objects. This requires more allocation overhead but potentially can speed up compile times if you don't need extreme performance.

Because tokio is orders of magnitudes more popular than smol and async-std, there also exists compatibility layers like async-compat which run tokio-based async code within a tokio context. This comes with the added cost that any tokio actions are spawned into an extra single threaded runtime, reducing overall resource efficiency.