Using a runtime


Spawning a task is analogous to spawning a thread. It creates a new top-level task with no parent for the runtime to process. This usually returns a JoinHandle, similar again to the threaded version. Awaiting the join handle will pause the current task until the spawned task is complete.

/// Downloads a set of pages concurrently
async fn download_pages(pages: Vec<String>) -> Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)> {
    let mut work = Vec::with_capacity(pages.len());
    for page in pages {
        // spawn each download job into it's own task.
        // this ensures that all the download tasks are run concurrently
        let handle = tokio::spawn(async {
            let bytes = download_page(&page).await;
            (page, bytes)

        // store the handles

    let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(pages.len());
    for handle in work {
        // join lets us get the output of the task


/// Downloads the page contents at the URL
async fn download_page(url: &str) -> Vec<u8> {

Depending on the runtime, you may also get the ability to 'abort' or 'cancel' a task. This in theory should remove the task from any queues, but it's never that simple in practice and it usually just sets a flag that this task can be skipped instead.

Given the similar API to thread::spawn, this requires that tasks have a 'static lifetime.


Much like std::net, general purpose runtimes expose their own network primitives. Also, much like how std has Read/Write traits, these runtimes will often have a similar AsyncRead/Write traits


Finally, most runtimes offer efficient alternatives to std::thread::sleep. This is often extended to provide interval clocks that repeatedly fire, as well as timeouts that can cancel tasks that take too long.